Business Growth Entrepreneurship Personal Development

077: Is Capitalism Evil? Debunking Myths and Misconceptions

Capitalism is often a controversial topic that ignites strong opinions from both advocates and critics. It’s been praised as the driving force behind innovation, economic growth, and prosperity, but it has also been vilified for creating wealth inequality, environmental degradation, and social injustice.

However, much of the criticism of capitalism is based on myths and misconceptions perpetuated by incomplete or inaccurate information. 

In this episode, I explore some common misconceptions about capitalism and its effects, as well as the benefits and drawbacks of this economic system. I explain what capitalism is and how it affects people around the globe, both now and in the future. 

I also look at the potential solutions that could reduce inequality while preserving entrepreneurial spirit, creativity, and innovation. Capitalism is an ever-evolving system; if we want to ensure it works for everyone, now is the time to act. 


  • Is ownership a made-up thing? (02:33)
  • Is capitalism evil? (04:15)
  • How is capitalism considered a game (05:30)
  • How to survive in a capitalist society (06:40)
  • The importance of sharing great experiences (07:40)


“This is the world we live in. These are the rules of the game.” -Carl Taylor

“Capitalism is a system, it is completely unbiased.” -Carl Taylor

“Capitalism, it’s only a game.” -Carl Taylor

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Carl Taylor (00:00)

Is capitalism evil? 

Carl Taylor (00:14)

In today’s episode, I want to talk about something that I haven’t really talked too much about on this particular podcast. But there are a lot of people in the world right now who are really going like this capitalism thing has failed us this capitalism thing is wrong. It’s the problem. It’s the root cause of all the problems of the world. Now, I can’t say whether any of that is true.

From a factual standpoint, I can I understand that for many people, it feels true, there are a lot of people who are feeling left behind, unable to win, unable to get ahead, I get that, I appreciate that. I just don’t agree with it. And I’ll share with you some of my own journey when it’s come to this because 2017 2018 I think I’ve lost track a little bit was around 2017 2018, I was working with a particular coach that I’d worked with for a number of years. And on a particular session, I kind of was just like, what’s the point of it all? It’s all bullshit. All of it, like, you know, making money building businesses, like it’s all made up. It’s all bullshit. Like, none of it matters. And so I had this part of me we do move during this process known as a parts integration, if you don’t, if you yourself, do neuro linguistic programming, and you know, health coaching, and I’m probably not explaining it super well. If you’re into that world, you might know what I’m talking about by a parts integration. But basically, these two conflicting parts of my world I had part of me that was just like, What is the point? Like, let’s just go and sit in the forest and just chill out because none of it matters. None of what we think of his life actually matters. And then there’s this other part of me that’s like, Well, no, this is the world we live in.

These are the rules of the game. This is kind of how you win the game. And that’s exactly ultimately where I came to when I was able to integrate these parts. And I’m hoping I can save you the $1,000 I spent on this coach to get that help is ultimately realize that this is all made up. And what prompted Today’s episode was actually this morning, I was out on the balcony with my daughter, she’s one and we were watching these two cocoa bars. If you’re not from Australia, kookaburra is a native bird. Look them up on YouTube. They basically laugh, they’re these birds that kind of sounds like they’re laughing. So these two crooked barrels out the back and I say to my daughter, I said, Oh, look, he’s you know, he’s in our yard. He’s in our backyard. And then I caught myself, I caught myself as like, actually, no, he’s in his yard. Because before we were all here, before we chose to say so and so owns this land. This was his space, maybe not him specifically, but his species and other species this, this was their space, he’s not in my thing. I don’t own the airspace, I don’t own the land, because ownership is made up.

It is a principle of capitalism. And even before capitalism ownership was a concept, but the idea that any one person can own land, or even own anything, is a completely made up concept. Right? I hope you get that like it is a completely made up concept that we as humans have agreed to this idea of okay, yes, this person can own own this, this person does not own this, this person can and can’t. I mean, not that long ago, there were rules about who could own what and who couldn’t write based on the color of the skin and various other things that we’re not necessarily proud of as a human race today. So it’s all made up, ownership is made up a business is made up what is a business, the business doesn’t physically exist, an office building can physically exist, but the business that owns the office building is a completely made up concept. It’s written out on paper that yeah, this is, this is what a business is, there’s a whole bunch of people working your butt, it’s not a physical construct that you can actually pick up and touch or own. Yet we own we own property, right, technically isn’t ours to own, we own businesses that don’t really exist, we own little pieces of other people’s businesses through shares, we now have digital money with cryptocurrencies like which is just the zeros and one, we create content, which again, is these zeros and ones that we might say, this is our ownership, we have ideas and thought, and we want to lock that under intellectual property rules and say, I own this because I came up with it. Whereas if you go through a very spiritual concept, you might realize that there’s usually no new thoughts. We can have evolutions and tweaks. But often a lot of the things we think we’re thinking today, hundreds of years ago, people had similar thought processes, they might have had not had all the pieces, but they had similar thought process. So there’s not necessarily been any new thinking, sorry, all of this.

To come to the question, is capitalism, evil? In my opinion? No, it’s not. It is a system, it is completely unbiased. It is a system of the market, dictating what we focus on. And so if you as a consumer, and we’re all consumers, if you’re not happy with the way companies prioritizing different things, it’s us as the market that ultimately choose if we’re prepared to pay more for things that are organic, and the bulk of society started doing that, then there would be more value and the price of organics would actually come down it would become the baseline product, but instead a lot of people due to financial circumstances due to just the way they think whatever they’re gonna go, No, I don’t want organic products. And I’m not saying whether organic is right or wrong. If you want society be us

Carl Taylor (05:00):

In a way, the best thing you can do is try to create a market wave dynamic where they wanting it. And we’re seeing that where they’re wanting those things from the company. So it becomes more profitable, it makes more sense to deliver the market what they want, if the market won’t buy a product, they won’t buy the product, they won’t make it anymore, because it doesn’t make sense as a company to offer that product or service if no one wants to buy it. But if someone is buying this product that you believe is bad for the environment, bad for health, bad for society, they’re only continuing to make it because people are prepared to buy it. All right, I’m going a little tangent here where I plan to go, but let me bring myself back on track is capitalism evil? No, it’s only a game. This is what I really wanted to bring to you. The key realization I had during that parts integration session was the way that you as a business owner can go okay, why am I doing all this?

When you start when you hit that point, where you start to go, this is all bullshit, why am I doing it is you remind yourself that that’s all it is, when you’re working so hard, I’ve got to make this money, I gotta make this money and you feeling stressed, and you’re feeling overwhelmed. And maybe you feel like you’re not where you need to be and you’re scared, take a moment and just go, okay, none of this matters. Here is success. What I’m defining as success right now is made up, oh, I don’t own my own home. Well, guess what, technically, none of us own our own home, or we do. We’re on the land. We were born here. We were born on this planet. And so this planet Earth is our home, like, you can step back from the system and go, Okay, this is this is what is this is what I know deep in my soul, this is what I know, at my core to be true, that I can’t be owned, and I can’t own anything. If you’ve done some really deep work, you might even reach the realization of there is no self and there is no other I don’t exist, I’m not separate from you, you and I are the same, not just the same conceptually. But at its spiritual core level, we are the oneness. Now, that’s all well and good to have that. And to have that awareness. But if you show up with that awareness and try to survive in a capitalist society, then you’re also going to find that life seems to be harder than you want it to be. And so what I encourage you to look at is go, Okay, this is how society is today doesn’t mean always be this way, the rules of how society works, is not always going to be that way. Because we’ve had so many different rules of how society works over the millennia. But right now, society works certain way. Money is a tool, and the more of it you have, the more options you have, or you can own property that may change in the in the future, who knows. But right now, it’s a rule and if ownership is effectively what helps you create wealth, so you go, Okay, I know, I can’t truly own something, but I’m going to play the game, because this is the game we’re playing at. And that’s all it is, it’s a game, because at the end of the day, I know none of it matters. And I’m just playing like you would come to someone’s house and you’re playing a new board game and you like, tell me the rules. And you’re learning the rules, and you’re trying to figure out how to play at the end of day, whether you win that game or not, is irrelevant. You have fun playing it. You learn some stuff, you share great experiences with other people. And that is the same as building businesses building wealth, if you’ve got some spiritual parts of you that maybe it’s not even spiritual, if you just got the emotional parts of you that are kind of just like, oh, what’s the point and these beliefs are holding you back from doing what’s required within the system of capitalism, and what’s required to build the wealth that you think you want, while you think it’d be fun to create? That’s what’s holding you back. Now, I know, this might be a little heavy episode for some of you. I just really wanted to share this something that came up this morning, as I said, looking at these crooked barrels this morning, and I said to my daughter, oh, he’s in our yard. They hold on? No, no, he’s in his yard, because we can’t own this and just really wanted to share that with you. So if you’ve got value out of today’s episode, or you think someone else, you know, we get value out of it, maybe they go What is this guy talking about? This is crazy stuff. Or maybe you can send it to someone who they’re all about this love you to just go in your favorite podcasting platform, grab a link to this episode and send it to them say, Hey, I saw this thought you might like it. And I’d love to hear from you about what else you would like to hear on the show. We do take questions from listeners so you can record an audio and send in a question or you can send in a question via text.

So if you’ve got a question, please hit us up at We’d love to hear from you. And in future episodes, we look forward to bring you more guests and more interesting insights like this, as well as practical business and wealth creation tools. I’m Carl Taylor. Thanks for tuning in.


You’ve been listening to Entrepreneurs Rising. Thank you, dear listener for tuning in. I appreciate your time and look forward to connecting in future episodes if you would like show notes or any resources from today’s episode, you can find them at you can find the show notes for this episode and all other episodes as well as links to socials and or the ability to reach out and connect with me make your suggestions for future episodes. Until next time, keep up the journey.

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