Business Growth Entrepreneurship Personal Development

076: How a Growth Mindset Can Take Your Business to the Next Level: My Lessons from Brent Williams

As businesses strive for success in today’s competitive landscape, there’s an increasing awareness of the importance of personal growth for individuals. Personal growth is a lifelong journey of self-improvement that helps people reach their full potential and become the best versions of themselves. 

In the business world, personal growth is essential for employees and leaders alike, as it enhances productivity, fosters creativity, and promotes resilience. By investing in personal growth, businesses can unlock a wealth of benefits that can drive their success and help them navigate the ever-changing business environment.

In this episode, we’ll recap episode 075: Making a Speaking Business Work Without The Speaker with Brent Williams and delve deeper into the importance of personal business growth. He emphasized that personal growth is about acquiring new skills or knowledge, developing a growth mindset, building emotional intelligence, and cultivating a sense of purpose and fulfilment.

As we explore the importance of personal growth in business in this episode, we’ll draw on Brent’s expertise and insights to understand how businesses and individuals can benefit from investing in personal growth. 

We’ll also discuss practical tips and strategies for cultivating personal growth and creating a culture of continuous improvement in the workplace. So, join us on this journey of self-discovery and personal business growth.


  • Ego is the enemy – what does this mean? (01:25)
  • How to empower others with your skills (02:40)
  • Why being different isn’t always a bad thing (03:40)
  • Multiplying to leverage opportunities (04:45)
  • Speaking from the stage – why should you do it? (05:52)


“We get so caught up believing we are the best and it stops us from believing or even attempting to get some help.” -Carl Taylor

“Empowering other entrepreneurial types with our personal skills is a gift.” -Carl Taylor

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Carl Taylor (00:00):

Lessons and debrief after Brent Williams. 

Hey, you’re listening to Entrepreneurs Rising, I am your host, Carl Taylor. And in today’s episode, it’s just a quick one with some lessons and a little bit of a debrief after this episode of Brent Williams.

Brent has been your friend of mine for a number of years. And, you know, we’ve gone in and out of phases of when we’ve been really close. And when we’ve kind of just been a little bit more acquaintances, I really loved our conversation that we had together. And I just thought it would be worth taking a little while to debrief some of the big lessons, I think, to take out of that episode. And let’s just dig right into it. 

Firstly, if you’ve already listened to that episode, you’ll know what I’m talking about if you haven’t listened to this to get the gold, but I still will highly encourage you. If you’ve got the time, go back and listen to the longer episode to get the full breadth of who Brent is what he does, he runs this incredible program, empowering teenagers think of Tony Robbins type events specifically for teenagers, he runs it around Australia, he’s run it in other parts of the world he’s been doing for over 20 years. He’s an incredible man, the program is incredible. I’ve had the privilege of speaking on his stages. And he’s invited me to come and speak on some future stages, too. So all that to say let’s talk about the lessons. 

Firstly, on the episode he numerous times I’m sure you picked up on it talked about his ego, he had the self awareness to realize that he had a lot of ego in what he does. He’s been doing it for a long time, he has this belief of he does it really well. He’s the best. And I think the biggest lesson to take out of this. And it’s true in my experience in my business and others I’ve helped as they’ve removed themselves from their business is our Ego is the Enemy. To borrow a title of a book, our ego is our enemy. Because we get so caught up in I am the best at this, no one can do it like me. And it stops us from believing or even attempting to get some help to give it to other people. Or if we do give it to someone else. We give them a task, we micromanage them, or we try to repair it and I’m raise my hand and say I’m just as guilty of this in my journey too. This is not something that I’ve magically don’t have I have an ego just like you we all have an ego to various different stages. And so having that self awareness to catch you when you’re like, Oh, I mean ego, what if just what if I’m wrong? What if I could be different? So, number one, ego is our enemy. Look in your business right now look at where you’re letting your ego get in the way of growth of your business. Have you empowering others to do work? 

That brings me to the second point, a big lesson that I took from our conversation between Brent and I was empowering others with your skills is a gift I loved when Brent said, he had the realization that to one of the people he was training, he’s like, I trained you for free. You know, that person was kind of like, you know, you’ve trained me for free. I’ve come and learn from you for free. He’s like, Yeah, I’ve trained you for free realizing he could have been paid to teach you these skills. These are skin powering life skills, he’s just imparted on you, and you got it for free was kind of his mindset. And I love that because I think especially if we’re empowering other entrepreneurial types, and we’re just learning that if we empower others with our personal skills, it is a gift. If you can acknowledge that there is a gift in what you’re giving. There’s a few elements to that one is valuing yourself, but secondly also to go Am I being stingy by holding back my gift What if I passed this on go back to the old days where we had apprentices and it was a gift to pass on our skills to our apprentice, you know, so empowering others with your skills a gift. 

The third lesson is doing it differently doesn’t equal worse than you. In the episode, you’ll remember if you’ve already heard it, if you haven’t, when you go back you’ll you’ll see it when it comes up. He had a situation Brent, where he was sitting in the audience in covert disguise, watching for the first time another presenter do a sales pitch for him.

Carl Taylor (04:01):

And he’s sitting there going, this is terrible. This is terrible. Not not good. But the conversion rate the end of the end of the day that business metrics, the numbers that mattered matched, Brent’s our own ability to close. And so the lesson there is just because it’s being done differently, doesn’t mean it’s going to be done worse. And this comes back to the ego, our ego going the way we do it is the one true only right way as opposed to being open that maybe there’s numerous routes to get to the same result. And then creating that freedom and empowering your team to have that license giving them some rails and some structure around what you want them to do or not do, but giving them a freedom to experiment and be themselves and bring their own spin to it. Because different doesn’t equal worse. 

The fourth lesson that I took from it is multiplying you gives you leverage opportunities. It became clear to me as I was chatting to Brent that now with what he’s starting to do with being able to multiply himself with other speakers. This presents opportunity, nice for him to have, in any given weekend, he could have multiple events being run around the world or around the country. And he doesn’t have to be at any of them. And so soon as you start to multiply yourself these new opportunities that couldn’t have existed without that, you know, can you imagine as a one man or a small, you know, you’re the main face of your business and you have to be on stage. 

Like, Brent, you the idea of running multiple events, or running an event every weekend would be exhausting. The idea of running multiple events on one weekend, just not possible. But as soon as you start to multiply yourself, you have this ability to go, Oh, now I have the opportunity to be running the same event, across multiple time zones, different countries, all on the same day, I could be choosing to go I’m gonna run this event every weekend now for the rest of the year. And you couldn’t do that if it was just you, it’s just not possible. So multiplying you gives you leverage opportunities. And then number five lesson was speaking from stage is a life skill if you’re a business owner, and you have not yet attended some formal training, I’m not talking Toastmasters. I’m talking like a formal speaker. Training, I did train the trainer by blessing her. It was an amazing program, I have no idea if he still runs it, I did it back in 2011. I think it was life changing, absolutely changed the way I present. I’ve done a little bit of speaking before that, but it’s transformed. If you ever come and see me present, all of those skills you see me use, the way I hold the room, all of that was learned from the incredible blessing. Or if you have an opportunity to learn from Brent, if Brent decides to open up his training to the world, I would highly encourage you to get to it. But find someone that you resonate with or you like their style of speaker training. And as I said, this is not speaker training of like Toastmasters giving a speech. This is hold the room command the stage type training that you really want learning to sell from stage, it is a life skill that will pay you dividends in business and outside. 

So that’s it. That’s all I wanted to share with you today. If you have enjoyed this episode, but you haven’t listened to the full interview with Brent, I encourage you to go back find that episode and listen to the full interview. If you’ve got good value out of this episode, even without listening to it, you think someone else you know would find the little three dots share this episode with them, send them a text, send them a message as posted on your social medias and share with others so that they can get the same value to and as always, if you’ve liked this episode and previous episodes, and you haven’t left us a rating yet, give us some rating love five stars four star three. So one star if you truly think that we’re that bad, I would really love to just get more ratings on our platforms so other people can try and find this show and the content we’re putting out there. So until next episode, keep up the journey


You’ve been listening to Entrepreneurs Rising. Thank you, dear listener for tuning in. I appreciate your time and look forward to connecting in future episodes if you would like show notes or any resources from today’s episode, you can find them at you can find the show notes for this episode and all other episodes as well as links to socials and or the ability to reach out and connect with me make your suggestions for future episodes. Until next time, keep up the journey.

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