Business Growth Entrepreneurship Personal Development

118: Give Your Curiosity Some Oxygen

In this episode, Carl Taylor poses an intriguing question which he saw posted by Paul Graham…  If you took a break from your regular work to pursue something just because it deeply interests you, what would that be?

Carl challenges us to ponder what topics we would passionately pursue if we could step away from day-to-day work.

Getting clear on these innate interests can be a revelation. Furthermore, acting on them can be extremely rewarding, sparking breakthroughs that may translate to business success.

What latent curiosity, if unpacked through focused exploration, could potentially unveil creative ways for you to serve people at the next level? Join us in this episode to learn more!


  • Paul Graham’s article and the question he poses (01:01)
  • One thing Carl Taylor would do if he could take a break and focus on something else (01:51)
  • Carl’s fascination with human psychology (02:49)
  • How the Dadpreneur Program can help you bring the attraction back in your romantic relationship (04:33)


  • “So much of wealth creation is a mindset —  the stories we tell ourselves and getting over the stuff, the instinctual fears and things we have, as well as the relationship component.” – Carl Taylor


How To Do Great Work by Paul Graham 

Red Means Go by Carl Taylor

Dadpreneur Program

Automation Agency


If you had to take a break and focus on something else, what would you do?

Hey everyone, Carl Taylor here. I am the host of this podcast, Entrepreneurs Rising. Thanks for joining us. If you are a longtime listener, welcome back. If this is your first time tuning in, welcome, great to have you here. We are a mix of short little snippet episodes. And we have guests as well. So if you haven’t gone back to the back catalogue, there are over 100 amazing episodes with great guests and solo episodes from me talking about various things from building teams to systemising to creating wealth outside your business and inside your business. So go through the catalogues, you definitely want to do that.

But today, I want to talk about something that just popped up actually on my screen and made me pause, and I thought I should share this with you here on Entrepreneurs Rising.

So this is a question by Paul Graham, he has released an article talking about this question. It is called Great Work. Okay, so we’ll make sure the link to it is in the show notes. But you can find it

Anyways, the question that he poses is this — If you are going to take a break from serious work, to work on something just because it was highly interesting, what would you do? Let me say that, again. If you’re going to take a break from serious work, so let’s think about that, as you know, if you’re going to take a break from what you’re currently doing, so that you could work on something just because it’s highly interesting to you, what would you do?

Well, I can share from my own life, there are a couple of things that pop up. One is I have always, for a long time been absolutely fascinated by history of religions, Christianity in particular, but not just Christianity. I find the various histories of customs and why we do things and the stories that have been told and how they’ve shifted and changed over the years. And I just find that absolutely fascinating. The life of these people that we believe to have lived, or we’ve and what evidence do we actually have that they lived. I find that absolutely fascinating and highly interesting. So I would happily spend time exploring that. And I actually just recently had a conversation with Liz, my partner about that. I was like, you know, I can imagine maybe down the line, you know, I just decided to go and do some studies and become, get a PhD or something just focused on the history of religions. And so that could be really interesting. And that’s a path. I will ponder from this question a bit further.

The other side is something that I’ve more recently started doing, like, I find and have found for me is the idea of why do we as people do what we do. Human psychology, and how does that work in terms of the now, but also one of the patterns because we are made up of stories and the way our brain works is linking of all these stories together. But we also have an innate part of us, that is instinct if you like. And I, in more recent years, if you’ve listened to some of the previous episodes, and know I’ve learned some of these concepts, like the concept of polarity, which is a more instinctual response between man and a woman or masculine feminine energies, in terms of what creates that attraction, that polarity. And this, you know, is a standard that kind of seems to, at least from my research so far and my awareness, and my own personal experience, seems to match across the broad spectrum of people and cultures. There’s still this element of polarity, gets created in the same ways. And so I see that as an instinctual level versus intellectual level pattern. So we’ve got these intellectual patterns, and then we’ve got these instinctual patterns. And I find it absolutely fascinating.

And so, in my youth, I was always looking at trying to understand how I tick so I could get better. And my first book Red Means Go was about that, like one of the patterns of highly successful people, here’s what you can do to just continue to achieve success. And then later in life, I was useless with women. So I went down the pickup path and I started to learn, you know, there was a lot of stuff like do this do that, which I don’t necessarily agree with. But there was a lot around the human psychology of understanding what creates attraction, what creates both men and women.

And that absolutely fascinated me back when I was a single man, and then in relationship, I now coach and work with many dads and I’ve found, for many dadpreneurs, but men in general, not just dads. Dads, it’s probably more pronounced because when kids come along, there’s a shift in the roles that the couples start to play, which can shift attraction dramatically. But the, if you’re a man and you’ve been in a relationship for a long period of time, these still, these shifts can sometimes still occur without kids. And what happens is how do you bring that attraction back, right? Like the same thing you had back in dating, how do you bring that back into your day to day relationship with your wife, your partner? So I find that absolutely fascinating.

And it’s all mixed together. So whether it’s business success, wealth creation success, you know, so much of wealth creation is a mindset and the stories we tell ourselves and getting over the stuff, the instinctual fears and things we have, as well as the relationship component. And this is what I’m exploring in the Dadpreneur Program. I’m getting to scratch that personal curiosity itch, and then sharing that with other people, my own experiences, my own resources and journey to help others just as I’ve been able to help myself, so that’s what I do.

Hope you found that interesting. I’m just sharing what I would do, my response to that question. But I asked you that question again. If you were going to take a break from serious work, to work on something that just because it was highly interesting, what would you do? What would you do? Ponder on that. Think on that. Even better, action that and if you want to, share it with me. Hit me up over on Facebook or reach out over at rising dot show. That’s where you can make contact with me and the team who run the podcast. Alright, until next time, keep up the journey.


You’ve been listening to Entrepreneurs Rising. Thank you, dear listener for tuning in. I appreciate your time and look forward to connecting in future episodes if you would like show notes or any resources from today’s episode, you can find them at you can find the show notes for this episode and all other episodes as well as links to socials and or the ability to reach out and connect with me make your suggestions for future episodes. Until next time, keep up the journey.

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