Business Growth Entrepreneurship Personal Development

074: The Yin and Yang of Teams: Unveiling the Power of Two Essential Roles

In the dynamic and ever-evolving landscape of business, success is often a result of effective teamwork. A cohesive and high-performing team can make all the difference in achieving organizational goals, overcoming challenges, and driving innovation.

However, not all team members are created equal, and identifying the right individuals to fill crucial roles is paramount.

In this episode, I talk about the importance of having two types of team members – the taskmasters and the outcome owners. From their distinctive characteristics to their impact on team dynamics, I will delve into the core qualities that make them indispensable.

Like two sides of a coin, these individuals bring unique skills, perspectives, and contributions that complement each other and create a strong foundation for the entire team. Their combined efforts can propel an organization forward and unlock its full potential.

Whether you are a business owner, a team leader, or an aspiring entrepreneur, understanding the importance of these key individuals will undoubtedly empower you to build and nurture a winning team.

Join me as I uncover the building blocks that form the backbone of thriving businesses—the two indispensable team members that every organization needs.


  • The two types of team members you need in your business (01:30)
  • The difference between taskmasters and outcome owners (01:59)
  • Getting clear on what needs to be done in your business (04:20)
  • The importance of having the right person in your team (05:18)


“If you’ve got the wrong person in the wrong role, it’s going to cause then frustration.” -Carl Taylor

“You need to get clear on what things need to be tossed, and what needs to be mastered in your business.” -Carl Taylor

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Carl Taylor (00:00):

The two types of team members that you’re going to have show up in your business and you need in your business. Let’s talk about them.

Carl Taylor (00:21):

Hey, and welcome to another episode of Entrepreneurs Rising. This is your place to learn all about how to rise the tide of all entrepreneurs, but ultimately your business, how do we get you more freedom, more money, and ultimately, a better lifestyle for you and your family by building wealth both inside and outside your business. I’m your host, Carl Taylor.

And today I want to talk about the two types of team members that ultimately show up in the business. And I find that many entrepreneurs aren’t aware of these different types, at least not consciously, you possibly have are aware of them through the frustrations that may cause in business.

Let me ask you this, have you ever hired someone, and you’ve given them a task? And you become really frustrated with them? Because they just don’t seem to be able to do it? Or they asking you 1000 questions. And you might get to a point where he’s like, I can’t find good people, I just want to clone myself, no one can do it as well as I can. I’ve been there recently was chatting with a bunch of business owners, they were definitely in that experience right now.

And that’s where I was sharing with them the idea of there’s two types of team members and you need to identify who are you dealing with? And are you potentially trying to give someone the wrong task?

So let me let before I go deeper on that, let’s talk about what these two types are. I’ve kept the suspense long enough.

The first type is a taskmaster. The second type is an outcome owner. So what do I mean by that? Well, taskmasters are exactly that they’re really good at executing tasks in a pre set process, you know, you give them the SOP or the script and the step by step process, and they will smash it out, they will just execute, execute, execute, execute. And they’ll do really well when they’ve got the clarity of what needs to be done, and how to do it. And they will feel empowered and good to just execute on that. That’s a taskmaster.

Outcome owners, the complete opposite outcome owners do not want to be told how to do it, they just want to get really clear on what the outcome is, what are we trying to achieve, and they enjoy the freedom and the flexibility to then use their own creative skills to find the best solution to achieve that outcome.

And the challenge that I find is usually once you started to build your business to a certain level, you’re looking for outcome owners, but your team is filled with taskmasters. I know, in my own experience, I’ve got a team now have a title recording, I think about 60 give or take. And, you know, we’ve got a mix of people who are taskmasters, and we’ve got a mix of people who are outcome owners.

And in the beginning, I would be trying to give outcomes to people who are taskmasters. And I’d be extremely frustrated because they would not do it. They’d be coming to me asking me 1000 questions. How do you want this done? How do you want that done? I’m like, aren’t you figure it out? It wasn’t, they weren’t the right person in that role. I’ve also had people who started out as taskmasters. And I’ve seen their potential, and they’ve moved into positions and become outcome owners.

Here’s what we need to know, though, as entrepreneurs, that there are two different skill sets and different areas of your business need, the different skill set, there are areas in your business that you are better off putting a taskmaster in place. Because if you put an outcome owner in charge of some tasks that happen over and over again, they’re going to feel stifled and stuck. Like they’re just in this monotonous job, that is awful. And if you put a taskmaster in an outcome, owner, position, they’re going to feel like they’re drowning, they’re uncertain. They’re feeling like there’s too much not enough certainty and clarity of what needs to be happening. And now they’ll freak out as well.

So both people in that situation are in the wrong role. So you need to get really clear on in your business, what are the things that need to be tossed, mastered, and one of the things that you need to be outcome owner and as I said, as entrepreneurs, usually you’re when you get to a certain level, you want everything to be outcome loaded. And that’s one of the key things to understand is often you will have a team leader or an operations manager or someone who’s in charge of a department. They’re going to be outcome owners. You want an outcome owner, in charge of say marketing, you want an outcome owner in charge of recruitment, you don’t want them to be following SOPs step by steps. However, the people below that the people who are running an interview for a recruitment process potentially are taskmasters that are following the step by step process and the scripts the marketing team while You’ve got an outcome owner who’s in charge of the marketing department, the people who are posting the blog post posting the social media they approached potentially, and more likely going to be taskmasters who are implementing the step by step process to get that done.

So what’s the takeaway here? I want you to think about your business, I want you to think about your existing team. If you don’t have a team when you think about the roles that you need to fill, and just ask yourself, is this person more likely a taskmaster? Or if you don’t have someone in that role? Is this role more of a taskmaster that I need? Or is it an outcome owner, because if you’re giving someone a task, then that means you’re the outcome owner, you’re the one who’s clear on what the outcome is, and you’re driving for and you’re providing the step by step process, or you’re asking them to develop the step by step process, but you didn’t want them to run it, so that they can help you achieve that outcome. So in the early days, my experience is you’re better off building a team with taskmasters in the beginning. And then as you grow, and you’re getting some wins, you then start to bring in the outcome owners in various different departments in your business. So think look about your look at your business, think about who’s on your team, think about the positions you need to fill, and what what’s gonna work better a taskmaster and outcome owner. Bottom line, just remember that there are these two different types and if you’ve got the wrong person in the wrong role, it’s gonna cause frustration for them, for you, you know, high churn in your staff turnover, and you’re gonna be sitting there banging your head going, I can’t find good people, no one will do it as well as I can, I should just do it myself. And if you have that mentality, and you don’t allow people to fail and grow, you’re going to find yourself overloaded, heading for burnout and just working way too much.

That’s it for today’s episode. If you’ve enjoyed it, please share it with someone that you think would get value as well. And also, please leave a review and a rating in your favorite podcasting platform as well. If you need any notes from today’s episode, or you want to check out previous episodes, you can find them all at is where you find everything and you can contact me ask questions or reach out and just let me know how things are going in your wealth. And until next time, keep up the journey.


You’ve been listening to Entrepreneurs Rising. Thank you, dear listener for tuning in. I appreciate your time and look forward to connecting in future episodes if you would like show notes or any resources from today’s episode, you can find them at you can find the show notes for this episode and all other episodes as well as links to socials and or the ability to reach out and connect with me make your suggestions for future episodes. Until next time, keep up the journey.

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